Il Flusso

The Map

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Welcome to Harlem

Found this morning this synopsis of a film that was shot here in Harlem (we missed the première!)... and tells everything, how we feel here in Harlem. uhuh!

Marty Blackstein, a young man of the new 20-something generation, after realizing that most of Manhattan today seems to be less about art and culture and more about money and corruption (and realizing that he can no longer afford this realization) decides to take a chance and move uptown to Harlem, NYC. Once there, he finds a sea of friendship, love and adventure enveloped in music, dance, grit and one of the most unique neighborhoods (and even more unique blocks) on the planet, and quickly learns that Harlem is not quite what he expected…
Though just as his expectations are being reshaped into those of a community much more engaging than he expected, things take an unexpected turn for the worse! 555, the wonderful, new, friendly, happy, exciting (or soon to be exciting) building he moved into is about to be repossessed!! Oh s#@t!!! Will Marty and his new friends be able to outlast eviction and keep their home? It may take more than a giant dance riot in the middle of broadway, a sex education field trip to the zoo and a crazy-ridiculous roof party to solve this one…


camylane said...

sounds really cool!!

aline said...

non sembra quel gran filmone, ma sarebbe stato figo vedere la gente di qui...

Ado & Marian said...

ciao cugina!
ve la state spassando nella Big Apple, eh?

Sei riuscita a metterti d'accordo con la cugina Ely?

Noi tutto bene, abbiamo traslocato nel nuovo appartamento: bigger, louder and cozy!!!

quando tornate fatevi vivi che vi invitiamo per un bicchiere e chiacchierata a casa nostra!!!
ciao da Ado e Marian

Ado & Marian said...

btw, fine gennaio saremo a Ft.Lauderdale, Florida, poi on the road da New Mexico a California e workshop fotografico finale a Las Vegas (fino a fine febbraio).

Voi che fate a febbraio?

Ado y Marian

aline said...

Febbraio è ancora lontano. Finisco la mia scuola il 3 febbraio e poi non so cosa faremo, se non continuo una formazione (cosa probabile) entro due mesi devo riuscire dagli stati uniti. Pensavo di spararmi di nuovo il bus per montreal, che porta ispirazione. Sentiamoci prima della vostra partenza!!! Bacio!